Neurodiversity working

Capitalising upon the
gift of being different

We help organisations appreciate and strengthen the talents and advantages of neurodiversity, while supporting the accompanying challenges.

Companies, eager to be at the cutting edge of their field right now, recognise their need for a neurodiverse workforce: spanning a wide arc of abilities. They make it their business to include wide-ranging strengths and thinking styles and understand the urgency to support these ‘outliers’ appropriately. Outliers provide original thinking and new ideas.

Let’s turn to neurodiverse people themselves:

Are you blessed with a neurodivergent mind?

Neurodiversity is an umbrella term to describe those of us who have brains and thinking styles which work in a slightly different way to the norm. This leads to being very talented in certain areas, and less effective in others.


You may have had glimpses of your unusual qualities

These show up in areas such as:

  • Spatial awareness

  • Problem solving skills

  • Creative and innovative abilities

  • Charisma and a flair with people

Perhaps though, you’re more familiar with bouts of chronic stress and feel overwhelmed? Those gifts? Well, they might still seem elusive.

Would you prefer to listen?

Visit our sound bites page.


Do you have difficulties with any of the following:

  • paying consistent attention

  • organisation and/or time management

  • communication, which includes reading, absorbing spoken information, articulating your thoughts

  • navigating relationships and the ‘games people play’

  • brain fog

  • energy crashes

Do your colleagues accuse you of any of these traits:

  • being all over the place or chaotic

  • not paying attention; being easily distracted

  • holding extreme views and/or rigidity in your ways

  • being too emotional or too sensitive

  • being slow, lazy or perhaps too fast and careless

  • overtalking and not getting to the point

  • not being on time for meetings or not completing tasks

Perhaps you feel affected by heightened sensitivities, for example the moods of others or your environment?

Or maybe, your main struggles are with:

  • anxiety and/or depression

  • insomnia

  • exhaustion

  • shame or low self-esteem

…all of which come from being unaware of how you function differently from the neurotypical people around you, and what you need to be at your best.

Neurodivergent talents are ‘spiky’ and inextricably linked to challenges in negotiating daily life. Too often these strengths remain submerged by chronic stress.

We are here to offer you the right support and get your neurodiversity working. We can help you deal with the symptoms of stress and manage the obstacles so that you can discover and develop your natural resources, which can include:

  • a wide range of creative skills

  • an ‘out of the box’ thinking style

  • fast and brilliant data crunching

  • big picture thinking

  • enormous drive and boundless energy for things that interest you

  • heightened sensitivities

Neurodivergent ourselves, we know how subtle and varied the expressions of neurodiversity are. We come with our practical experience of working with hundreds and hundreds of people over many decades. We know the difference we can make to the lives of neurodiverse minds when they calm down, get more organised, feel more focused, worry less and sleep better.

Please call on us to:

  • support neurodivergent minds and help them be defined by their qualities more

  • help organisations raise their awareness about neurodiversity at work

  • help design a workplace more conducive to the emotional wellbeing of its uniquely talented employees.

We offer:

  • 1-2-1 coaching for neurodiverse individuals

  • mentoring and supervision for coaches and therapists to support them in working with their neurodiverse clientele

  • webinars and training programmes to raise awareness and increase efficacy and resilience, in order to get Neurodiversity Working!


Contact us to help you get neurodiversity working

Sound bites

Listen to our sound bite collection